$$\ce{Y_t = Y_{t-1} + α}$$
$$\ce{p(Y_n = m) = \left(\frac{(m + n)^n}{2}\right){\frac{1}{2^n}}} $$
The Random Walk
One of the simplest market models we have for forex is the random step process or random walk.
This just means that in every interval, the market moves by a random step value. The price can slant towards an uptrend or a downtrend with a drift parameter.
Yt = Yt-1 + α
Using a discrete unitary step function to model these price moves, the probability that price reaches a certain maximum at any time can be found as
We then transform the price Z, using the volatility into a standard unit variable for comparison against the step process. From this we create a set of curves for different timeframes.
In essence, the longer the time interval and the greater the volatility, the further the price can move from the existing level.
From these we can calculate the probability of a price change over any length of time.